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Good Enough or.... Excellent
What makes a poor customer service experience stand out? It is easy to think of that inattentive waiter, being forced to listen to terrible hold music for an hour, or even a cashier that was rude for no reason at all. But what about all of the times you experienced excellent customer service? What made the experience go from good to great? Was it an employee going out of their way to accommodate you? Maybe someone following up with you multiple times? Or was it as simple as someone that seemed to genuinely care if you had everything you needed.
These scenarios all have something in common: they involved someone making you, the customer, a priority. As often as we experience customer service during our daily lives at restaurants, banks and grocery stores, it is easy to forget how often we provide customer service in other areas of our life. When you think of the last few times you provided customer service was it excellent, pretty good, or just good enough? Did you go the extra mile or even the extra foot? Did you leave your customer feeling as though you truly cared and they were a priority or did you go through the motions? Providing excellent customer service when working with offenders can be especially difficult. The drudgery of paperwork and many compliance tasks along with the sheer volume of clients most criminal justice employees interact with daily can be a recipe for “poor” customer service experiences.
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