

CorrectTech for Remote Working

Your Struggle is Real

You need access to your system from anywhere at any time.  But not just access to some information, you need all client information and documentation at your fingertips.  

Remote access to your system is crucial for:

  • Telework for front line staff
  • Telework for management - compliance, program stats and over all operations
  • Telesupervision of clients

Common problems for remote work include:

  • Inability to access all client information from anywhere
  • Client paper files can only be accessed from the file cabinets in the office
  • Being able to maintain complete records and continue all duties from outside of the office
  • Lack of visibility to team operations
  • Audit compliance
  • Security of sensitive and/or HIPAA related information
  • Inability to easily share information across departments and facilities securely
  • SMS text streams between staff and clients are not formally documented and only available, if not deleted, on staff members' phones
  • Complexity of record keeping client communications
  • Existing systems don't support the emerging trend for increased supervision contact without being face to face

CorrectTech solves all these problems and so much more.  

CorrectTech offers remote access to every bit of information, data and documentation you need! 

Many software systems enable remote working but IF they have an electronic document management tool - documents generated are usually stored in a cloud based file storage system as determined by the end user.  The challenge with this situation is electronic documents can be hard to find because they don't get automatically stored in the same location in every client electronic file. Why is this important? With CorrectTech's document center, every staff member always knows where to find an incident report, an intake summary, a contract and every other client document.  Furthermore, the same organized document center enables case file audits that can only be done when everything is paperless in a unified way for every client. And maybe the best of all, automated document merging saves staff endless hours a week. 

We don't make this stuff up!  More than half the community corrections programs we surveyed the last three years say they are still maintaining a paper client file with pertinent documentation and information you can only access via a file cabinet.  CorrectTech's full featured document center enables access to everything staff need when working remotely including ability to produce documents that include digital signing and being auto-filed.


  • View and update case notes, case plan and all pertinent client data. 
  • View and update documents, complete, electronically sign and auto-file documents in the clients electronic document center.
  • Management has everything needed to properly oversee daily operations, client progress, etc. at their fingertips.
  • Run an comprehensive case file audit
  • Keep communication and information sharing between departments seamless
  • Approved third party agencies can view/complete notes and attendance, etc.


  • Access all client information in preparation for a web meeting
  • Be able to document the meeting and any pertinent information
  • Automatic recordkeeping of all SMS text communications in each client electronic file
  • Time savings by sending templatized and personalized messages to an entire caseload
  • Automatic SMS text message reminders for appointments, drug test notifications, court dates and more
  • Supervisors can monitor the quality of documentation and staff to client messages
  • Keeping clients informed and/or motivated toward their case plan objectives via automation

EBP Implementation

Click on our EBP icons below to see how we've implemented EBP in our software.

Identify Measurement Points and ProcessesRelationshipAccountabilityReinforcementAssessmentMotivationInterventionPlanCommunityTrainingTransitionFeedback