CorrectTech Case Planning Module

Reentry Case Planning

What does this mean for you?

Reentry Plans provide an automated and easy to use option for case managers/PO’s to establish and track a reentry plan for and with their clients. Reentry Plans work alongside several other features and modules to create an integrated experience.

  • Using any agency-defined set of Reentry goals, it is easy to create the Reentry Plan that fits any agency’s operation. Typical Reentry goals are housing, identification, financial, education, work/vocation, and transportation.
  • Reentry Plans auto-generate a Reentry Plan with your agency’s goals and steps for each goal. The steps can be auto generated using dozens of Reentry services already included, or a mix of pre-defined services and others to be added based on client need.
  • CorrectTech provides case managers easy access to a shared agency library of Reentry Services so a case manager can add new steps with a click of a button. Such as – adding a “banking” education step to the financial goal, or a transitional housing” step to the housing goal.
  • Using the Paperless Office module, Case Managers can create a printable case plan for the client. Optionally, like any other document in CorrectTech, a client can electronically sign the document.
  • CorrectTech offers an advanced feature for customers who want the client to be able to access and more actively participate in their case plan. Using the Client Kiosk Premium module, the client can log in and view their Reentry Plan, mark items complete, ask for help on an item and even add a new self-motivated step.
  • CorrectTech provides the case manager a streamlined approach to all this client activity with an action list to review and process accordingly.

Here's how CorrectTech makes it happen:

Like all features of CorrectTech, Reentry Plans are configurable to meet agency specific requirements using CorrectTech's powerful back-end administrative tools. 
  • The reentry services that an agency uses in their programming and support are defined in the Intervention admin area. This area of the software allows for “interventions” to be defined for all or some facilities across an enterprise. Default “action step” language is defined for the reentry service as well.
  • There is an extensive look-up admin area, a number of those areas define items to reflect agency-specific definitions and settings, a few of which enable the Reentry Plans function.
  • Case Plan admin provides access to a wide array of case plan templates (already created), but also allows for customization of new case plan templates as needed.

  • The Enhanced Case Plan feature allows for creation of one or more Reentry Plan templates, to allow for differences between plans for various client types and programming.
  • Admin mechanisms define the “library” of all reentry services for a particular facility (allowing for localized services portfolios in each facility across an enterprise). These services (such as “transitional housing support”) are linked to the appropriate Reentry domain, as well as other characteristics such as typical length of action step.
  • CTI experts help provide the full configuration while providing training to agency admin so that modifications needed to the configuration can be made by the agency going forward.

EBP Implementation

Click on our EBP icons below to see how we've implemented EBP in our case planning software.

Identify Measurement Points and Processes Build the Theraputic Relationship.png Establish Behavioral Accountability & Structure Reinforce Positive Behavior Assess Risk, Need & Responsivity Enhance Intrisnic Motivation 
Target Interventions Collaborate on Case Plan Engage the Community Train Behavioral Skills Transition Plan