CorrectTech Program-Foundation Platform

Program Foundation Platform

What does this mean for you?

We’ve developed a unifying platform for all client information, all documents, organized and codified data and customized reporting for case managers, therapists, security and management.

  • Unify staff with universally accessible client case files.
  • Manage people, not data with our comprehensive platform.
  • Engage all client program stakeholders around the same information.
  • Evolve your data analysis from spreadsheets to a data analytics platform.
  • Use your data for staff feedback and continuous improvement.
  • Relieve case managers as the clients’ sole source of up to date information.
  • Stop losing track of what is happening shift to shift.
  • Have one place for all case notes and incidents for case managers, operations and administration.
  • Keep your automation current with your changing requirements without additional software programming – don’t settle for yesterday’s software set-up.
  • Organize all facility specific incidents.
  • Communicate shift overviews between security staff members.
  • Navigate with ease.

Watch our overview video on the CorrectTech Document Center.
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Here's how CorrectTech makes it happen:

The CorrectTech Program Foundation Platform provides a powerful system backbone for all of the CorrectTech community corrections software modules. It provides the glue that connects everything from referral to intake to discharge with a fully digital and organized compilation of your program information.

  • The electronic document center supports every other module and function of the system, is organized and structured for efficiency and ease of use, and is configurable to local agency documentation requirements.
  • We provide integrated functionality across case management, security, treatment, data analysis & reporting, and audit & compliance for any or all components of CorrectTech you select for your agency.
  • Level system checklists provide assurance that local policies and practices are followed for clients as they advance through program phases.
  • We help you customize role-based access privileges for agency personnel including the ability to define new roles. Roles typically include case management, security/operations, therapist/treatment, medical and administration.
  • Our powerful customer administration functions enable local configuration, customization and control. These tools are used during new agency’s initial implementation and for follow-up configuration changes to support changing agency needs.
  • In addition to the comprehensive client document center, all facility documents and notes are stored in electronic form.
  • The configurable workflow makes adding or editing various checklist items (e.g., intake, level system, discharge, etc.) quick and simple.
  • The system automatically generates every report you need based on information already in the system so you never hand write notes or information on a form.
  • The system allows scanned external documents to be signed electronically by clients and case managers to allow you to go 100% paperless. 
  • Your database includes a codified view of agency information and data for easy query, analysis and data extracts.
  • All client contacts (e.g., supervising agent, emergency contact, employers, etc.) are well organized and re-used throughout the system, saving time and manual data entry errors.
  • Global contacts are entered once and linked to any client as needed (including contacts for probation agency, medical, employers, treatment centers, etc.).
  • A robust set of client placement data is at the foundation of every client file, including client demographics, criminal history, legal charges/conviction status, and conditions of placement.

Integrated CorrectTech modules working together:
All 27 modules!